Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"go be with your people"

A bit of a sad post... tragedy struck our office as we learned that a coworker's son was in a car accident and it's not looking good.  It hit home a bit and the head of my department sent us home to "go be with our people."  I couldn't help but think of my little brother as he is the same age as my coworker's son...  it's too much to even think about.

 (my main man, little brother evan)

I called my mom on my way home because I'm 3,000 miles from my family and that's the best way I can be with my own people. 

But I realized a week from today I will be in Nicaragua with Little Sister and that is really a wonderful thing to think about.  We're talking tonight to plan out our adventure...

(little sister and yours truly in Israel)

All this talk about love lately and the importance of the relationships in my life are really coming to light.  So this week, go be with your people.  While my family might be far away, I really have great people here in Boston.  Thank you to those that are them.  And pray for my coworker and his family.

I'll be back tomorrow with something peppier.

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