Monday, August 15, 2011

new chair

Many of the looming changes are happening quite soon!  Roommates are moving in and out next weekend and the movie I am working on will be done at the same time.  Stay tuned.

In the meantime, in prepping my home for said transition, I did invest in one new piece of furniture - a new chair!  I always wanted a leather chair and this one fits the Berkeley Penthouse perfectly.  I love it.


  1. GORGEOUS chair. I can't wait to take advantage of it when I come visit :-)

  2. so happy to have stumbled on your blog via Boston Bloggers! I thought you might like to hear more about an event I'm hosting in your neck of the woods called rendez-vous: new england. I wanted to email you about it--but I couldn't find your contact info! If you're around, we'd love to have you :) hope the move is going well! xoxo {av}
